Editorial Policy

Mission Statement

At KnockoutDaily.com, we are dedicated to producing reliable, engaging, and accurate content that reflects the values of integrity, fairness, and accountability. Our mission is to provide valuable insights and information that empower our readers, foster informed discussions, and support responsible journalism. We believe in maintaining a human-centered approach to storytelling and strive to create content that enriches the lives of our audience.


We welcome feedback from our readers and encourage open dialogue with our community. Your thoughts, comments, and suggestions are crucial in helping us improve the quality and relevance of the content we publish.

Readers can provide feedback or share concerns by reaching out to us in the following ways:

  • Via the Contact Us page on our website
  • Through our social media channels
  • By emailing us directly at [email protected]

We are committed to listening and responding to all concerns promptly, and we take action based on the valuable input we receive.


KnockoutDaily.com embraces diversity and inclusion. We aim to represent the diverse voices and perspectives of our global audience, regardless of background or identity. Our editorial content is inclusive, ensuring that all readers feel seen, heard, and valued.


At KnockoutDaily.com, we adhere to the following core principles of ethical journalism:

  1. Truth & Accuracy
    We are committed to providing accurate and well-researched content. While we strive for truth, we are transparent when we cannot corroborate information or when certain details remain uncertain.
  2. Independence
    Our writers and editors are free from external influence and special interests, ensuring that our reporting remains objective and impartial. Any conflicts of interest are disclosed and managed appropriately.
  3. Fairness & Impartiality
    Our articles are written to be fair, balanced, and inclusive. We provide context and avoid bias, aiming to represent all sides of an issue.
  4. Humanity
    We recognize the power of words and the impact they have on others. Our journalists are committed to reporting with empathy and care, especially when covering sensitive or controversial topics. We avoid publishing content that may cause undue harm or distress to individuals or communities.
  5. Accountability
    We take responsibility for our work. If mistakes are made, we correct them promptly and transparently. We value our readers’ input and continuously strive to improve.

KnockoutDaily.com operates under the ethical guidelines set forth by recognized journalism organizations, ensuring that our work meets the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.


We are committed to correcting any errors promptly and transparently. If you believe we have made an error in our reporting, please contact us at [Your Contact Email]. We will review the situation and issue a correction as needed. Our editorial team regularly audits content to ensure factual accuracy, and we encourage our readers to report any discrepancies.

Coverage Priorities

KnockoutDaily.com maintains an impartial stance in all its coverage. We do not act on behalf of special interests, political, corporate, or otherwise. Our editorial team prioritizes content that is both newsworthy and relevant to our audience, and we strive to ensure that our reporting is unbiased and transparent.

Bylines Policy

All articles on KnockoutDaily.com will include a byline, clearly stating the name of the author. Where appropriate, we will also provide a link to the author’s biography, including their professional background, social media profiles, and contact information.

In rare instances where an article is published without a byline, we will provide a clear explanation as to why that is the case.

Unnamed Sources

While we prioritize transparency and credibility, we may use information from anonymous sources only when necessary, and under specific guidelines:

  • The information is critical to the news report.
  • The source is reliable and in a position to provide accurate information.
  • The anonymity is vital to protect the source’s identity or safety.

The use of anonymous sources must be approved by an editor, and we will always aim to verify the information from multiple sources whenever possible.


Accuracy is at the core of our editorial process. We have dedicated editorial staff responsible for verifying the accuracy of all content before publication. This includes:

  • Crediting sources and providing proper references.
  • Reviewing content to ensure it is fact-checked and substantiated.
  • Distinguishing clearly between opinion, speculation, and fact.

If an error is found post-publication, we will work swiftly to correct it and ensure that our audience is fully informed.


KnockoutDaily.com maintains a strict zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. We expect all contributors to produce original content, and any instances of plagiarism will result in immediate disciplinary action.

Sponsored Content

KnockoutDaily.com does not accept sponsored content or guest posts. We are committed to providing our readers with independent, unbiased content that meets the highest editorial standards.

Generative AI Content

KnockoutDaily.com does not use AI tools to produce articles or creative content. We believe that journalism should be human-driven, and we take pride in the original work produced by our skilled editorial team.


For articles containing spoilers, we will provide a clear spoiler warning at the beginning of the content or as early as possible to prevent readers from being surprised. If a spoiler warning is missed, please notify us at [email protected]

Contact Information

For any inquiries or feedback, you can contact us via the following methods: